About Us

Buxton Film is a non-profit community cinema established by a small group of people who wanted to see and share good films in Buxton.

Until January 2017 The Old Hall Hotel kindly contributed the use of the Pauper’s Pit venue which had cinema-style seating for about 40. It was our home for a number of years until its closure due to the redevelopment of The Crescent.

Thanks to an agreement with Buxton Opera House, we now screen our films in the Pavilion Arts Centre using the full cinema DCP projection equipment. The small surplus from ticket sales, after we’ve paid for screening licences, marketing and so on pays for venue rental.

Choosing our programme is done via attending previews, reading reviews and keeoing our eyes and ears open. We try to screen good films that don’t necessarily make the multiplex cinemas and we’re always looking out for the best in world cinema.

Everyone in the group contributes their time for free. There are films to book and license, notes to be compiled, website to be built and maintained, programme notes to write and print, marketing materials to design and publish, weekly emails to send out, accounts to be kept and front of house and projection duties to perform. We also run a short-film event in July that involves quite a bit of work. If you’re interested in helping – do get in touch.

In January 2016 the Charities Commission recognised Buxton Film as a Registered Charity No. 1165040

Buxton Film is a member of the Film Hub Midlands – part of a UK-wide network of Hubs supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) with the aim of bringing specialised and independent British Film to UK audiences in new and exciting ways. We also attend events and previews organised by the Independent Cinema Office (ICO) – the national organisation for the development and support of independent film exhibition in the UK. Previously Film Hub NWC kindly supported us in several screening projects and we were successful in bidding for some new equipment from the BFI. We have a complete mobile cinema kit – if you’d like advice or help with a film event do get in touch.

If you would like to be involved, or have suggestions, ideas or questions do talk to any of us at the weekly screenings or drop us an email using the link on the Contact Us page. We would also welcome sponsorship for a particular film and we may be able to dedicate a screening to a charitable cause.

Current Buxton Film Team

Jane Barrett (trustee)
Luke Bayirli
Jason Darley (trustee)
Mike Glendenning (trustee)
Jeanette Hamilton
Moira Kean
Jim Marriott (trustee)
Luay Salman (trustee)
Marek Vilis

In December 2021 we lost our great friend Keith Savage, founding member, trustee and creative force behind Buxton Film. He will be forever missed. You can read more about Keith here.

We were very sad to report the death in 2017 of our very good friend, founding member and trustee of Buxton Film, Martin Thomas. His great knowledge of and enthusiasm for film was greatly valued.